Knife Grade Textured Elastomeric Patching Compound

Knife Grade Textured Elastomeric Patching Compound

from $19.99

This premium quality elastomeric textured patch is recommended to be applied with a putty knife. Knife Grade Masonry Patch is known for its incredible ability to fill wide cracks and holes due to its ability to hold its body and prevent sagging. Professionals can truly tell the difference when fixing imperfections in masonry, stucco, and concrete walls.

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  • For use on large cracks, holes, and other defects in masonry, stucco, and cement block.

  • Varies according to application and crack widths


Knife with textured exterior wall patch on it

Application with a Putty Knife

Acrylux Tex Patch is known for its incredible ability to fill wide cracks and holes. This feature is attributed to its capacity to hold its body and prevent sagging, making it effective for addressing larger imperfections in masonry, stucco, and concrete walls.

Acrylux Knife Grade Exterior Wall Patch Textured on a residential house

Textured Finish

Tex Patch Knife Grade Exterior Wall Patch has an impressive finish that blends into commonly used textured stucco surfaces. This makes previously noticeable imperfections indiscernible after painting is complete.

Commercial building with acrylux exterior masonry wall textured patch

Professional Grade Performance

Tex Patch Knife Grade Exterior Wall Patch is trusted by professionals across the industry to tackle the largest jobs due to its reliability, consistency, and high performance characteristics.